Project evaluation


The allocation of internal project funds – whether for the support of research or teaching projects – often follows procedures that are not very standardized and that require a large amount of manual tasks and administrative effort. Committee members spend a lot of time evaluating and rating project proposals and identifying the best projects is challenging. Even with formal evaluation criteria in place, the process is often perceived as lacking transparency.


The Selectus project evaluation tool makes it easy to submit project applications online. If required, expert opinions can be obtained which are automatically added to the applications.

The Rating and review tools offer many possibilities to ensure efficient, transparent and independent evaluations: Formal evaluation criteria can be defined to help structure the evaluation process. The visibility of the evaluations can be controlled – if, for example, the evaluations of the other commission members are only visible after the evaluation phase, mutual influence is minimized. The optional review discussion allows for exchanging opinions between the members of the evaluation committee. Summary review statistics and spider diagrams help analyze the assessments. The final ABC rating immediately highlights the best projects.

Selectus helps you identify the most promising project proposals in a structured, efficient and fair manner.

Optimal support for all parties involved


You can create calls and publich them in just a few steps. Creating PDF forms, entering applications into Excel lists, distributing documents to the committee, sending emails manually – with Selectus, all of this is a distant memory. You can use predefined e-mail templates to easily contact applicants from the Selectus Mail Center and inform them about the status of the process.


Simply click on the link in the call for proposals to submit a project application. Clear instructions provide information on the required data and documents. It takes no time at all to enter the project details and upload the documents, which can be reviewed before submitting the application. Selectus streamlines the evaluation process, and you can be notified of the allocation of project funds in a timely manner.

Evaluation committee

Members of the evaluation committee receive a login to the secure online platform and can review the applications, including all submitted documents, independent of time and place. Selectus provides a clear overview and thus saves a substantial amount of time. Review and rating functions facilitate a fair and independent assessment of applications by all committee members.


Experts can be contacted directly in Selectus and invited to submit their assessment. They receive a personal link to access the relevant project documents on the secure online platform and can easily upload their letter as a PDF document. Finished. The expert opinions are automatically added to the corresponding application.

Are you interested to learn more?

Why don’t you give me a call right now?

+41 (0)43 544 9000


Or contact us using our web form:


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Christine Benesch
(frentix GmbH)



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