Selectus Feature Focus: Visibility of application data for referees/experts

Selectus Feature Focus: Visibility of application data for referees/experts

In our Feature Focus series, we’ll be reporting periodically on interesting features and functionalities in Selectus that facilitate the work of the selection committee and administration.
This article explains how to configure the visibility of application profiles for people who are not committee members.

Recommendations from referees or experts often play an important role in the academic application process. For this reason, the functions for obtaining such letters of recommendation and reviews are fully integrated into Selectus. n addition, the ‘Faculty feedback’ and ‘Public feedback’ features can be used to obtain comments on selected applications from people outside the committee (e.g. participants in appointment presentations).

It is now possible to use these features more widely without compromising data protection. At the job/position level, it is now possible to fully control which application information is accessible to people outside the committee. In this way, you can ensure that confidential information is not passed on to people who are not subject to the Commission’s confidentiality rules.

Configuration possibilities and preview

For this purpose, a new tab ‘Profile visibility’ has been created in the editing mode of the position, where all settings related to the visibility of the application profile for roles outside the Committee can be made. For each data field and each application document, you can check which role can see the candidate’s details.

Screenshot tath illustrates
"Profile visibility" tab in the edit mode of a Selectus position

To make sure everything looks good, the new ‘Preview’ feature offers a preview of the application profile for each role enabled. This allows you to easily check your settings.

Screenshot of a preview of the Selectus candidate profile for referees
Preview of a application profile (as seen by referees)

Christine Benesch

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